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Collection: FRAGRANTICA I - 100% pure attars / perfume creation

Créations Maison en Haute Parfumerie Naturelle

House Creations - Natural Luxury Perfumery



Olfactive talismans to wear

100 % pure natural perfumes

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Attars (also spelled ittars, ittrs, ottos, etc.) are pure undiluted perfumes, made without any alcohol or carrier oil. they can be made with only a few ingredients, or with many.

When they are prepared by blending of esssential oils and other raw ingredients (vs. direct co-distillation of the raw materials) they are also sometimes called mukhallats in the Middle east, though the term attar is most often used also for those as well. As attar is the most widespread and encompassing word, it will be the one mostly used here.

The word, in many places, does also sometimes simply stands for "essential oil" (of a single substance), I exclusively use it on this website when I speak of pure rose essential oil at times, as "Rose otto" is its main name in many countries,

Attar based perfumery is still very important in the Middle-East and all over Asia (in very short) , it is sadly lesser known in Europe and I hope Scentient Nature will modestly contribute to that changing a little.

Many of my "real life" (vs. webshop) customers, having experienced how wearing attars feel do not wear 'normal'  perfumes anymore (aka alcohol based, using synthetics, etc), which overjoys me.

Attars are pure aromatics, pure energy and pure active components they are not only an olfactive experience, they also offer a resource during your day in countless beautiful way and they "do things to you" when you smell them (soothe, or energize, you, activate certains inner experiences, etc).

Pure attars are by far my personal favourite way to wear perfume 

This collection is devoted to our in-house attar creations.  

See also our traditional attars here

And our alcohol based, natural ingredients only perfume creations here.

You can also look at our "Ecrins - Precious aromatics shining in sandalwood oil" collection, as all items there qualify as attars. Only a few are listed in the present collection, and you will find the rest there.