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Collection: PER FUMUM - Ingredients to heat or burn

Through smoke - The origin of it all


According to archeology, humans started to burn fragrant materials as soon as "we" domesticated fire, for ritual, medical, psychogenic, entheogenic, celebrative and hedonistic reasons.

No Wonder, then, that the latin Per Fumum (litt:: "through smoke") is the etymology of the word perfume in many languages (Parfum, Profumo, etc.).

This collection offers different aromatic woods, resins, dry plant material, powders, etc. that can be heated or burned, either directly or for preparing incense blends.

Oh, incense, another word with a burning etymology: Latin incensum ‘something  desgined to beburnt, incense’, from the past of participle of incendere ‘set fire to’ ( itself from- ‘in’ + candere -> incandescent etc.)

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