Scentient Nature
LUZON MOUNTAINS - Binderless pure Agarwood / Oud INCENSE (Wild / Philippines)
LUZON MOUNTAINS - Binderless pure Agarwood / Oud INCENSE (Wild / Philippines)
This remarkable incense is made from pure wild agarwood from the Philippines.
Agarwood powder left over from incense-grade beads hand carving is used exclusively. The powder is strongly compressed (mechanically) after light soaking and then left to dry out naturally.
As a result the incense is binderless and the smoke is very clean, and gentle on the lungs.
It is a fabulous incense to perfume or deeply smoke are room. It is great for home, but also for ceremonial work, as it is an excellent chi unlocker and facilitates energy circulation.
This incense is both delicate fragrance-wise and extremely powerful , so you need only very small quantities for already big effects: a square of approx 1x1cm (0.3-0.5 gr) cm is ample enough to incense a big room (30-40 m2). If you want a deep smudging, of course you would need to use a bit bigger pieces
The combustion feels smooth and natural. It is also extremely easy: just place your incense piece on a fire proof support: stone, ceramic, bakeware, ... , and light one corner. It will smoothly combust on it's own. It does burn quite swiftly as there is no added material to slow down combustion.
You will remark a darker side on some pieces. The incense, once compressed is left to dry in the sun, and the oil comes back to the surface, giving the darker side. Consequently, the pieces with a black layer are stronger, but as the incense is already very potent without that it is not necessary at all.
The wood was ethically sourced in the wild in the Phillipines, in the Luzon mountain area,. The tree is for sure Aquilaria, but as there are (probably much) more than 20 species of agarwood producing trees living in the Philippines, the exact identification beyond "Aquilaria" is uncertain (as is often the case with wildwood form the Philippines).
Bottles / Vials Info
Bottles / Vials Info
See and read more about our different vials & bottles before ordering (link here)
Terms, Conditions, Scope of use, etc
Terms, Conditions, Scope of use, etc
We advise that you read this section before buying anything. Any purchase on this website imply that you accept all terms and conditions detailed in there.
Care information
Care information
For optimal longevity:
Keep away from (sun)light, heat, oxidation and external materials in the bottle : they degrade your aromatics.
Keep in the dark at room temperature, ideally below 25 Degrees Celsius
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