Meditations, Oflactive Journeys and other Discoveries
One of my personal passion projects is to curate an "Olfactorium": an archive of aromatic substances for study, for reference, and for sharing.
My favorite aromatics are offerings on the webshop of course, but some are out of stock, there are countless specific ones (ouds, sandalwoods, natural perfumes, etc) that are not for sale, and hundreds of others oils or resins that I use but don't sell.
Different things that I propose occasionally, in real life:
- Discoveries : the possibility of experience first hand the selections offered for here, and to discover other precious (or non precious) aromatics (that are not offered here)
- Meditations : aromatics have been in religious and spiritual contexts since we have archaeological traces of humanity and they can be great facilitators for meditative work
- Yoga - with aromatics as a central tool.
- Olfactive journeys : crafting special sensory experience and / or narrative journeys
In case of potential interest, you can contact me here to discuss possibilities (or new ideas).